My learnings from stream #wemakedevs

Being completely new to stream, it was evident to find some friction in the journey.

But my journey started pretty neatly.

I started by visiting the official site.

So stream provides mainly two use cases

  1. Chat use case

  2. Activity Feed

It seemed interesting but pretty overwhelming in the first instance.

I went ahead to see the features they provide like Fully Customizable Chats, Easy Integration, Robust Security etc.

They also provide prebuilt components to directly use in your app and in many languages including React , android , swift etc.

But my fav is react so I explored it. I also explored the 4 demos that stream provided and pretty much got amazed of how easily stream is making for the described used cases.

OK so time for the cut short story , our use case was of the mental well being.

We all know how stressful our life has become today especially after the post covid era. For solving users , teenagers , old people dilemmas that they come across often and have no one to ask .

We made a platform for them , to ask their doubts and not feel ignored , get mental peace and live their life the right way.

Coming back to stream , I created an .env file to store the credentials and started looking to initialise my project. I made my account on and then got my app keys stored them in a variable called REACT_APP_STREAM_KEY got my user id stored in REACT_APP_USER_ID and third thing a jwt token which i stored in the var called REACT_APP_USER_TOKEN . With all this I created a .js file initialised my project .

Started utilising Stream components but got intimated to the fact that I had pretty less time to make everything in place.

So as we all devs do , I utilised the code reusabuility feature , used prebuilt code , added my logic and created my project in nextjs .

Stream made it easy by providing good docs but I had to make good number of attempts to get everything in correct place.

At the end our team was able to create breakout rooms which utilised Stream's chat feature and activity feed in the event section.

Live link

We used the chat feature to give users the option to ask doubts to their counsellors. Lot of css involved :)

But at the end we were able to make it all through . I will leave the live links below.

Thanks for reading :)

Events Github Repo

Main NextJs Project Github

FINAL Deployed Link